If your provider has a pause limit on emails, you can set it similar to this: Note: this also means...
Open Utility Menu > Ebilling Setup > Postcard settings. The postcard itself will be in just basic format: Make sure...
You can attach up to 2 flyers to the postcard where you could do the advertisement with your logo and...
Postcards work with E-Billing as long as you have the accounts set with the proper setting on the customer’s account...
Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework Internet email host. You will need the following information from your internet mail provider before you...
This module allows you to send statements, invoices, postcards, and letters electronically by email. Once you have the .NET Framework...
Contact your email provider and see what options they have. Switch email provider Purchase a domain that will allow you...
Check that your settings are correct. On the Utility Menu click on E-Billing Setup: Make sure your company email settings...
Go to the Utility Menu and click the E-bill Settings option. E-bill should open up, click the Settings Tab: 1....