The Suburban Software Accounts Payable System is an online real-time system designed for efficiency, flexibility, and ease of operation while maintaining proper controls over payables. It interfaces with the Suburban Software General Ledger, Inventory, and Vehicle Maintenance Packages. It is designed primarily for the independent LP Gas dealer, accounting for both dollars and gallons. The system also functions perfectly well for any non-gas business. The system is designed for multi-company files on the same computer. The SSS Accounts Payable system is driven by four menus: Accounts Payable Menu, A/P Management Reports Menu, A/P End of Period Menu, and A/P Utility Menu. Most operations will be controlled through the main A/P menu. The options are listed in order of normal sequence of events.
However, you may choose to do them in whatever order you desire.
For More Information on how to add this module call Suburban @ 1-800-481-4440