The “Daily Menu” is used to process the day-to-day information as it is received from the sales and payments. This includes entering degree days, performing file maintenance, entering transactions plus their control totals, and posting transactions to customer accounts after printing a sales Journal.
* Upon system startup in the morning, the system will download the data collected by the Weather Wizard III into the computer.
* The first prompt will ask if you want to download the data into the database. Click {Continue} or Press the {ENTER} key to continue. The system should continue its normal daily startup and present you with the “GAS” menu of “The Propane System”.
* From the “DAILY” menu, select Weather Report and click or press {ENTER}. The screen should be filled in with the correct data and require only that you click{Continue} or press {Enter}/
* If the Company ID is blank or incorrect, you should key it in.
* Enter the printer ID where you would like the Degree Day Report to print. Enter an “A” for automatic entry and press {ENTER}.
Accounts Receivable – Overview of the Daily Cycle:
- Enter Weather Report
•Operator enters the degree days or high & low temperatures for each branch - Run Control Totals
•The normal driver check-in procedures should produce an adding machine control tape which sums up all transactions to be entered in the batch. Control totals are taken for the number of dollars and gallons to be entered. Control totals should be run for the bank deposit (cash receipts) separate from the control totals for sales - Enter Control Totals
•The data entry operator enters the totals from the control tapes to the page summary columns using Daily Menu option (Sales and Receipts Control Totals). A page number for the batch is assigned and entered as a “S” page if transactions are sales –OR-as a “Z” page if transactions are cash receipts - Enter Transactions
•Data Entry operator enters transactions at a workstation using Daily Menu option (Sales and Receipt Date Entry). These transactions are stored in a temporary work file. Data may be entered by multiple operators at different workstations. The work file may only be accessed and updated from the original transaction entry terminal. Each terminal has a unique work file when entering transactions.
4 - PPS Truck Interface
•If onboard truck computers are used, data is automatically transferred into the office computer system via Daily Menu PPS Truck Interface. This step replaces step (Sales and Receipts Entry) - Print Edit Listing
•Data entry operator may originally print an edit listing of the work file with Daily Menu (Sales & Receipts Editing). Operator then checks the printout for errors and corrects the errors in the work file (Sales & Receipts Data Entry, Daily Menu) if any are found. This menu option may also be used to print a listing of the Limbo file or the posting file. - Transfer
•Data entry operator transfers the work file to the Posting File with Daily Menu (Option: Transaction Transfer to the Posting File). In this step, the transactions in the work file are compared to the Page Summary Control Totals. If there are differences between the Page Summary and the data transaction totals, the process will stop and require the operator to balance the transactions to the Page Summary. A Summary Page will be printed which will itemize any differences found by the system. This process will be repeated for each workstation entering transactions and for the Limbo. - Apply Auto-Payments
•Daily entry operator processes web payments, credit cards, autocheck payments. Applies the above payments into the posting file.