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  3. For pricing, does the “Price Class” or “Price” take priority? In other words, if there is a particular Price Class does it automatically default to a predetermined price?

For pricing, does the “Price Class” or “Price” take priority? In other words, if there is a particular Price Class does it automatically default to a predetermined price?

1. Pricing is set up on the Utility Menu by Product Code.

2. Prices are set up with a product code by individual account number (for a “very” special price take the hierachy above all.

3. If an individual price is added to the price file then the account will have a “J” in the price field on the account and will only disappear if that special price is deleted. At the same time, it will switch the BASE price for the product code assigned.

4. If you have a group of accounts you can assign them all the same price “class” number. All those accounts in that class will get the assigned price for that class set up in the price file for that product code and corresponding class number.

5. You can have up to 9 classes of prices for each product code. Note: Simpler is better. The more prices you have set up, the more you have to do to maintain them.

6. Accounts that have no individual or class assigned will default to the “BASE” price for that product code. Note: A Base Price must be set up before any classes of individual prices are added for each particular gas product code.

Attached are the Utility Manual and Dispatching manual

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