- Go to the Bank & Credit Card Menu:
Click on Submit CC Refunds or Voids
Choose Void or Refund and Enter in the appropariate information in each area:
Void: If a transaction can be voided a small message window will appear. Click Ok to Continue:
Refund: if a transaction can be refunded you will see the following message:
A receipt can be then be printed:
- Some voids can only be done within a certain time frame. If you get a message that it cannot be completed Contact Suburban and we will check. If this occurs you may not be able to issue a refund until after the payment has been settled. This time varies with each company. To find out what your settlement time is contact Paragon @ 1-800-481-4440
- Web Payments cannot be voided or returned through Suburban. You will need to log on to your gateway.
- Refunds and Voids may take 3-5 business days to show up on your customers credit/bank statement.