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  3. Is there a method within SSS to see the definition or expanded definitions of Price Class, Delivery Code, Use Code, and Route

Is there a method within SSS to see the definition or expanded definitions of Price Class, Delivery Code, Use Code, and Route

Price Class:

This is defined for each class that is set up in the price file. The Class number must be placed on individual accounts that will be assigned that class’ price.

Delivery Code:

This is defined on the Utility Menu > User Defined Fields

We have the most commonly used preset. However, the user can edit/add to them to your preference. Once they are set here, the codes/descriptions will show on the account Update screen in the Delivery Code drop-down box. It can be assigned to accounts and then used in office /truck processes

Use Code:

These are internal and can not be modified.

Codes may be changed between seasons automatically based on internal forecasting. When setting up a new account, add the code if you know how the account will use propane. Starting rates at .25 for smaller tanks or .50 rates for larger tanks. The system will be modified after making a few deliveries. If you do not know how the account will use propane, leave codes and rates blank. The system will add it all for you after some seasonal deliveries are made to the account.


This is added by the user to the Utility Menu >User Defined Fields. You can set the route/descriptions and that will make them show on the account update screen. This will also make them show in the drown-down menu in Dispatch Reports in the office.

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