This module allows you to set up and manage employee payroll.
In order to begin processing payroll, you will need to do the following:
- Read the Payroll Manual- Familiarize yourself with the procedures in the manual
- Setup the Supervisor File– (Supervisor) This file contains tax tables (supplied by Suburban Software), company information, and control fields.
- Setup the Paymaster File- (Paymaster) This is a permanent file which contains the employee database and accumulated payroll totals for each employee.
You are now ready to process payroll. A typical payroll run will include the following steps:
- Update Employee Records- (Paymaster) Add / remove employees, review and update their files as necessary. This should be done before keying in any hours.
- Enter Employee Hours- (Enter Payroll) Enter your employee’s regular time, overtime, commissions and any other taxable income with regular deductions. (Bonuses which are taxable, but not subject to extra withholdings, are run separately).
- Print a Payroll Journal- (Print Payroll Edit & Journal) It is vital that you carefully review this journal before printing your checks.
- Run Payroll Checks- (Print Paycheck) Print your payroll, and distribute checks to your employees. We recommend that you wait at least a day before posting, to allow your employees to verify that their paychecks are correct.
- Post Payroll to Paymaster & G/L- (Post Payroll to Paymaster & G/L) If all of your employees have verified that their payroll run is correct, you can post to Paymaster and the General Ledger (G/L).