Frequently Asked Questions
What is the PAX default password?
- The default terminal password is today’s date in the format: mmddyyyy
- For example, if today’s date is March 13, 2014, today’s password is 03132014. In some instances, the password may have been set in a different time zone (at the factory), and not reset for your time zone when it was deployed. In those cases will have to put in tomorrow’s date.
Can the terminal password be disabled?
- No. You can change the password to be as few as one numeric character, but you cannot eliminate it completely.
I have the contactless reader setting set to “Internal”, but my ApplePay and Google Wallet transactions are not working. Is there another setting that needs to be set to make it work?
- There isn’t another setting in the terminal, but Apple Pay and Google Wallet has to be set up with the cardholder’s bank and the processor in order for transactions to go through.
How many transactions will a PAX terminal hold?
- 1500
What is the size of the paper roll on the S80?
- 2.25″wide, 85′long
How is the paper installed on the S80?
- Look at the image below for an example:
What’s the warranty on PAX products?
- Prior to 2013, there was a one year warranty. Beginning in 2013, the warranty is two years.
I am running multiple applications in my terminal. Is there a way to run a report by application type?
- No, there is not a way to run reports by application from the terminal.
If there are transactions in the terminal, the terminal cannot be downloaded/updated.
- The batch must be settled before the terminal can be updated.
My terminal is getting connection errors and is not “DHCP”ing. It’s connected to the same switch as my computers
- A network switch does not assign IP addresses to the devices connected to it, so DHCP will not happen. If you want to use a switch, you will need to create a static IP address for your terminal.
My terminal is getting DHCP errors.
- Make sure you have an Ethernet cable plugged into the Ethernet Port on one end and your router on the other. Sometimes the phone cable is mistaken for the Ethernet cable. Also, power down the router, wait 20 seconds and power it back up again. Even if other devices on the router are working fine (PC etc.), the specific port you use for your terminal may need to be reset.
I have a brand new terminal and when I swipe a card through the reader nothing happens.
- Try inputting the transaction dollar amount first and then swipe the card. EMV regulations require the terminal to prompt for “Amount” before card entry, so new applications will run in this order to comply with the new EMV regulations.
- You can also run a Card Reader test to make sure the reader is reading:
- • Power cycle the terminal and hold down the “Menu” key as it boots back up
- • Press the “Down Arrow” key one time to bring you to the page containing the “MAG READER” option (Option 2)
- • Select Option 2 (MAG READER)
- • Swipe a card through the reader to test
I have a terminal that is displaying the mesage “POS be attack” “all keys cleared”. What does that mean?
- The message is the “Tamper” error. The terminal will have to come in for repair. Contact Support at
What causes Tamper Errors? – Tamper Errors can be caused by several things:
• Someone has actually attempted to breach the device
• The battery may be dead or damaged
• The device may have suffered a power surge
• This may result from plugging in the wrong power supply or from an actual surge of electrical power
• Lightning striking power or phone lines a hundred miles away have been know to damage or destroy terminals.
• It’s always a good idea to use a good quality surge protector.
My IP transactions were running fine, but now I’m getting communication errors. Our IT department did some work on the network and that’s when it stopped working.
- Make sure the firewall has not been changed to block the transaction port on the Processor Host server.
I there a way to prevent the health report from running?
- No. You can set it to run at specific intervals or at a specific time each day, but it cannot be disabled.
I have finished the installation, do I need to keep my original credit card swiper and printer?
- If you have the small keyboard emulated swiper and the Star receipt printer, then yes, you will need to keep it plugged up. The software will still use these devices. If you are referring to the terminal you had previously, then I would suggest keeping it handy in cause you have issues with the new device.